
Renewable Energy Management Controller

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Description de

Renewable Energy Management Controller

Intelligent Renewable Energy Management Controller

PLANET NMS-360 Renewable Energy Management Controller can automatically detect up to 512 remote devices powered by PLANET BSP-360 Industrial Renewable Power Unit in ways that solar PV, battery and PoE port usage are recorded. Besides, traffic logs that are compliant with SNMP, MQTT Protocol and PLANET Smart Discovery utility are managed. It thus enables administrator to centrally manage a network of up to 512 nodes from a central office, greatly boosting network and power management efficiency. Moreover, the NMS-360 can support up to 2,048 PLANET IP cameras to do snapshots through the ONVIF Protocol.
Management Controller Renewable Energy
ID produit: 14145956 | Vendu par: GLOBAL SPACE UMS
Date de la mise en ligne du produit 06/04/2023 - Modifié par le vendeur 06/04/2023
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Renewable Energy Management Controller