
Vitamine B9

Prix à convenir
Quantité minimum: 25 kilogrammes
Délai de livraison: 1 jour
Envoi dans : le monde entier
Description de

Vitamine B9


Description : Folic acid: minimum 95% of activity.

Properties :Folic acid, or Vitamin B9, facilitates important reactions in the metabolism of lipids, proteins, nucleic acid derivatives, hormones and neurotransmitters.
Together with vitamins C and B12, it participates in the production of red blood cells and haemoglobin.
Folic acid is necessary for the maintenance of the immune system.

Requirements : In animals, folic acid requirements are mainly covered by intake from the diet and partly by contributions from synthesis by intestinal bacteria. In poultry and pigs, folic acid supplements are necessary in some situations. Supplements of this vitamin are most important when these animals receive diets with sulphonamides and feedstuffs contaminated with toxin-producing moulds. Gestating sows are often given folic acid supplements in order to maximise reproductive efficiency.

Target species : Poultry, pigs and ruminants.

Administration and dose Powdered product for administration mixed with feed, according to the doses recommended in the following table:

Species Application in mg/kg (g/t)
of Folic Acid
Broilers, 0-6 weeks 0.55
Broilers, 6 to 8 weeks 0.50
Leghorn, 0-6 weeks 0.55
Leghorn, 6-18 weeks 0.25
Layers (100 g of intake) 0.25
Turkeys grower (0-8 weeks) 1.00
Turkeys grower (8-16 weeks) 0.80
Reproductive females 1.00
Grower-finisher 0.30
Gestation-lactation 1.30
Suckling calves 0.1 ppm of milk replacer

Product characteristics : Appearance: Powder.
Colour: Yellow to yellowish orange.
Folic acid content: minimum 95%.

Additional information Chemical formula: C19H19N7O6
Solubility in water (25 ºC): slightly soluble in water.
Bulk density: 0.2 to 0.4 g/cm3.
Loss on drying: <8.5%.

Presentation : 25 kg bags


L'acide folique, ou vitamine B9, facilite les réactions importantes dans le métabolisme des lipides, des protéines, des dérivés d'acides nucléiques, des hormones et des neurotransmetteurs.

Acide folique Vitamine Vitamine B9 produits chimiques maroc top negoce
ID produit: 6526663 | Vendu par: Top Negoce Maroc
Date de la mise en ligne du produit 28/02/2018 - Modifié par le vendeur 12/03/2018
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